*BOLD indicates IERC scientific contribution


Journal Articles

G. B. Smith, J.M. Tucker, M.W. Gabriel, G.M. Wengert, and J.N. Pauli. 2024. Dietary partitioning of fishers and martens in a rapidly changing landscape. Food Webs 41 e00375

Garrett, K.B., J. Brown, M. W. Gabriel, R. Dowler, J.C. Perkins, D. Krejsa, and M.J. Yabsley. 2024. Diversity of Babesia spp. in skunks from selected states in the United States of AmericaParasite 31


Journal Articles

Benson, J.F., K.D. Dougherty, P. Beier, W.M. Boyce, B. Cristescu, D.J. Gammons, D.K. Garcelon, J.M. Higley, Q.E. Martins, A.C. Nisi, S.P.D. Riley, J.A. Sikich, T.R. Stephenson, T.W. Vickers, G.M. Wengert, C.C. Wilmers, H.U. Wittmer, and J.A. Dellinger. 2023. The ecology of human-caused mortality for a protected large carnivoreProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120.13 (2023): e2220030120.


Journal Articles

Martin, E. M., M. S. Delheimer, M. W. Gabriel, G. M. Wengert, and K. M. Moriarty. 2022. Combined field and clinical methods clarify mortality causes and survival patterns of Pacific martens. Journal of Wildlife Management 1–15.


Journal Articles

Glueckert, E, D.L. Clifford, M. Brenn-White, J. Ochoa, M.W. Gabriel, G.M. Wengert, and J. Foley. 2019. Endemic Skunk amdoparvovirus in free-ranging striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in California. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 00:1-12.

Garrett, K.B., S.M. Hernandez, G. Balsamo, H. Barron, J.C. Beasley, J.D. Brown, E. Cloherty, H. Farid, M.W. Gabriel, and B. Groves. 2019. Prevalence, distribution, and diversity of cryptic piroplasm infections in raccoon from selected areas of the United States and Canada. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 9:224-233.



Book Chapters

Powell, R.A., A.N. Facka, M.W. Gabriel, J.H Gilbert, J.M. Higley, S.LaPoint, N.P. McCann, W.D. Spencer, and C.M. Thompson. 2017. The fisher as a model organism. Pages 278-291 in Biology and Conservation of Wild Musteloids, Macdonald, DW., Newman, C., Harrington, LA, editors. Oxford University Press, London.


Book Chapters

Quinn, J. H., M.W. Gabriel, C. Kreuder-Johnson. 2016. Pathogens and Parasites in American badgers. Pages 273-298 in Badgers: systematics, biology, conservation, and research techniques. G. Proulx,& E.l. Do Linh San, editors. Alpha Wildlife Publications.

Journal Articles

R.A. Sweitzer, R.A., V.D. Popescu, C.Thompson, K. Purcell, R.H. Barrett, G.M. Wengert, M.W. Gabriel, and L.Woods. 2015. Mortality risks and limits to population growth of fishers. The Journal of Wildlife Management 80 (3):438-451.


Journal Articles

Gabriel, M.W., L. Woods, G.M.Wengert, N. Stephenson,J.M. Higley, C.Thompson, S.M. Matthews, R.A. Sweitzer, K. Purcell, R.H.Barrett, and S.M.Keller. 2015. Patterns of natural and human-caused mortality factors of a rare forest carnivore, the fisher (Pekania pennanti) in California. PLoS ONE. 10(11), p.e0140640.


Journal Articles

Wengert, G.M., M.W. Gabriel, S. M. Matthews, J. M. Higley, R. A. Sweitzer, C. M. Thompson, K. L. Purcell, R. H. Barrett, L. W. Woods, R. E. Green, S. M. Keller, P. M. Gaffney, M. Jones, and B. N. Sacks. 2014. Using DNA to describe and quantify interspecific killing of fishers in California. The Journal of Wildlife Management 78: 603–611.


Journal Articles

Wengert, G.M., M.W. Gabriel, J. E. Foley, T. Kun, and B. N. Sacks. 2013. Molecular techniques for identifying intraguild predators of fishers and other north American small carnivores. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37(3):659-663.

Matthews, S.M., J.M. Higley, K.M. Rennie, R.E. Green, C.A. Goddard, G.M. Wengert, M.W. Gabriel, and T. K. Fuller. 2013. Reproduction, recruitment, and dispersal of fishers (Martes pennanti) in a managed Douglas-fir forest in California. Journal of Mammalogy 94(1):100-108.


Book Chapters

Invited book chapter abstract:  G.M. Wengert, M.W. Gabriel, and D.L. Clifford. 2012. Investigating cause-specific mortality and diseases in carnivores: tools and techniques. Pages 294-313 in L. Boitani and R.A. Powell, editors. Carnivore Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Invited book chapter abstract:  M.W. Gabriel, G.M. Wengert, and R.N. Brown. 2012. Pathogens and parasites of Martes Species: management and conservation implications. Page 138 in Biology and Conservation of Martens, Sables, and Fishers: A New Synthesis. K.B. Aubry, W.J. Zielinski, M.G. Raphael, G. Proulx, and S.W. Buskirk, editors. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA.

Journal Articles

Keller, S. M., M.W. Gabriel, K.A. Terio, E.J. Dubovi, E. VanWormer, R. Sweitzer, R. Barret, C. Thompson, K. Purcell, and L. Munson. 2012. Canine distemper in an isolated population of fishers (Martes pennanti) from California. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48(4):1035–1041.


Journal Articles

Larkin, J.L., M.W. Gabriel, R.W. Gerhold , M. J. Yabsley , J. Christine Wester, J. G. Humphreys, R. Beckstead§, and J. P. Dubey. 2011. Prevalence to Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis spp. in a reintroduced fisher (Martes pennanti) population in Pennsylvania. Journal of Parasitology 97(3): 425–429.


Journal Articles

Gabriel, M. W., G.M. Wengert, S.M Matthews, J. M. Higley, J. E Foley, A. Blades, M. Sullivan, R. N. Brown. 2010. Effectiveness of rapid diagnostic tests to assess pathogens of fishers (Martes pennanti) and gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46(3): 966-970.

Brown, E. L., D.M. Roellig, M.E. Gompper, R.J. Monello, K.M. Wenning, M.W. Gabriel, and M.J. Yabsley. 2010. Seroprevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi among eleven potential reservoir species from six states across the southern United States. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 10(8): 757-763.

Gohrman, J., M. W. Gabriel, N. J. Maclachlan, N. Nieto, J. Foley, and S. Spier. 2010. Pilot immunization of mice infected with an equine strain of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Veterinary Therapeutics 11(1): E1-E8.

News Articles

Times Standard. 2010. Local report on the multiagency/organization effort for the California reintroduction effort. 31 October 2010; section A1-6.


Journal Articles

Gabriel, M. W., R.N. Brown,. J.E. Foley,J. Mark Higley, and R. G. Botzler. .2009. Ecology of Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) in northwestern California. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45(2): 344-354.

Gabriel, M. W.,,J.Henn, J.E. Foley, R.N. Brown, R.W. Kasten, P. Foley, and B. B. Chomel. 2009. Zoonotic Bartonella species in fleas collected on gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). Vector-borne and Zoonotic Disease 9(6): 597-603.

Henn, J. B., M.W. Gabriel, R. W. Kasten,  R.N. Brown, J. E. Koehler, K. A. MacDonald, M.D. Kittleson, W. P. Thomas, and B. B. Chomel. 2009. Infective Endocarditis in a dog and the phylogenetic relationship of the associated “Bartonella rochalimae” strain with isolates from dogs, gray foxes, and a human. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 47(3): 787–790.

News Articles

ZooNews article focusing on fishers in California and the fisher kit orphans from the Southern Sierra Nevada (2009) Return to the Wild.


Book Chapters

Chapter 1. R.N. Brown, M.W. Gabriel, G.M. Wengert, S. Matthews, J. Mark. Higley, and J.E. Foley. (2008) Pathogens associated with fishers.

Chapter 2. M.W. Gabriel, G.M. Wengert, J.E. Foley, J. Mark. Higley, S. Matthews, and R.N. Brown. (2008) Pathogens associated with mesocarnivores sympatric with fishers in northwestern California.


Journal Articles

J. B. Henn, M.W. Gabriel, R.W. Kasten, R.N. Brown,J.H. Theis, J.E. Foley, and B.Chomel. (2007) Gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) as a potential reservoir of a Bartonella clarridgeiae-like bacterium and domestic dogs as part of a sentinel system for surveillance of zoonotic arthropod-borne pathogens in Northern California. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 45(8): pp. 597-603

J.E. Foley, R. N. Brown, M.W. Gabriel, J. Henn, N. Drazenovich, R. Kasten,S. L. Green, and B. B. Chomel.(2007) Spatial analysis of the exposure of dogs in rural north-coastal California to vectorborne pathogens. Veterinary Record 161: pp.653-657


Journal Articles

R.N. Brown, M.W. Gabriel, G.M. Wengert, S. Matthews, J. Mark. Higley, and J.E. Foley. (2006) Fecally transmitted viruses associated with pacific fishers (Martes pennanti) in northwestern California. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society. 42: 40-46


Government Reports

Report to California State Parks. G.M. Wengert. (2000) Demography, range, habitat, condition and parasites of the Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) of Sinkyone Wilderness State Park, Mendocino County, California.